Finding balance through my love for healthy food

Friday 15 May 2015

Peace Tattoo

I finally struck up the courage to get my recovery tattoo! I can't believe I actually did it. it really didn't hurt as much as everyone said it would and it was so so worth it.
most people will just view it as a little peace sign on my ankle, but for me it has a much deeper and important meaning.
 I got this tattoo because I can proudly say that I am finally starting to feel at peace with my mind, body and soul. 
It reminds me to stay at peace in the present moment and to remember that life is a journey, not a destination, so not to worry about the future or regret what has already been done, but to acknowledge it with an open mind and true acceptance.
it reminds me to enjoy every single second of my life and cherish everything I have been blessed with.
weather I'm 16 or 60, I will forever be at peace, because true trust in yourself, faith in yourself and love for yourself will keep you at peace. I now know, because of the journey I've been through, that you create your own peace and happiness by being grateful for all that you have in this moment. 
not only does it symbolise peace with myself.. It symbolises peace with all other beings ( including animals )  It means a lot to me and every time I look at it, It reminds me how far I have come and how much I have accomplished. It reminds me that at times of struggle, just to take a deep breathe, believe in myself, and carry on.
I know this tattoo will last forever, but it will last just as long as the memory of my recovery.

Easy vegan 'sushi' bowls

Sushi bowls are literally the nicest, simplest and easiest meal you can make! You can pack it full with raw or cooked veggies and can mix it up a little and change them each time. 

For this one I used was: 
•a base of lots of spinach  
•then about 300g of steamed rice 
•topped with avocado and cucumber 
•chia seeds & lemon juice 
•then used some sodium free soya sauce on top. 

Simple as that!
Some other ideas 

For the base: 
•different types of lettuce (ice berg, mixed leafs)
•different types of rice (brown rice, red rice, basmati) 

Ideas for Veggies to top: 
•sautéed mushrooms 
• asparagus 
• raw grated carrot 
•baby corn 
•sautéed kale

Believe in yourself

Believing in yourself may be the hardest thing to do, but I promise you it will get you the furthest in life. You are capable of absolutely anything you put your mind to, you can overcome any obstacle and achieve so so much, if you believe that you can.. don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise. If you wake up every day and say to yourself I can and I will, it will make the world of difference. I know it sounds so cliche but it's true.. The mind is absolutely everything, like Buddha said "what you think you become". do what truly makes you happy, what you feel passionate about, weather its photography, writing or even inspiring others, you are entitled to your own happiness... the past couple of days I have felt so reconnected with myself after a very long time of feeling slightly lost in something I was not, I am grateful for where I am now, in this moment.

Down days...

We all have down days, trust me they hit me really hard.. It's how you get yourself back up from those bad days, or weeks, or even months. How ever long it may be, it's never too late to break the cycle, to pick yourself back up and start again. sometimes your going to feel totally alone with everything you are feeling, like the world is crashing down, but I promise you, you are not, there are so many people out there who understand. But the one and only person who knows you best is yourself. 
No matter how lost you may feel, in a society with ridiculous amounts of pressure from overwhelming amounts of information on what you should be doing, to school pressure, to social media pressure. 
Breathe, take a step back and Remember to Focus on you. Learn to trust and care for yourself and then everything becomes less scary.
you have it in you to make it better, you have every strength to break the negative cycle, no matter how hard it may seem now, the main thing is to focus on making this very moment better now, not tomorrow not next week, now, you only have this very moment, and you have the choice to make it amazing. chose to push yourself through what ever you are feeling because you are the only one who controls your mind.. 
Life is a big and scary thing but it is also extremely beautiful.. my advise to you is to care less... It sounds crazy but the more you look into things and worry about them the less beautiful life becomes, the more you just let things be and accept that this world is truly magical for what it is, the more you will come to realise there is nothing to be worried about, just look at nature for example... 
"Nature does not hurry yet everything is complete" the world is growing and changing around us, it does it naturally, just like us, as humans. we revolve around change, our minds, our body's and our souls are forever changing, yet we are accomplished, we don't need to push ourselves constantly to be better than anyone else. Be the best that YOU can possibly be.
Let life go wherever it may take you.. And learn to let go of what you cannot control. just take a deep breath, put on a brave smile and start again with a even stronger heart and an even wiser soul, in this big beautiful world filled with millions of opportunities just waiting for you. 

We are all earthlings...

This is One of my favourite Photos I took last summer of my beautiful puppy and an equally as beautiful cow starting right at each other while I was taking my dogs for a walk in the fields. It really highlights the whole argument for speciesism. Here we have two beings, both with a heart, a mind, a soul, yet the being on the left has been mistreated for hundreds of years, killed purely for the taste buds of the so called 'superior beings' , the ones who can talk when the cows cannot voice their pain. The being on the right, has been kept as a house hold pet for hundreds of years, treated like part of the family, given lots of love and care, sometimes  treated equal to us. How is that right? How is it ok to love one being and not the other? they both feel pain & fear but because we have been condition to love one animal and not the other, we are blinded to the fact that all animals should be equal, just the same as all races of humans are made to be equal.. Why is it completely normal to brutally murder and consume a cow but it would be completely inhuman and crazy if we did the same to a cat or dog? Every single being deserves equality! Why must we treat the voiceless as if they are mere objects, not living breathing and caring earthlings?
 It upsets me so deeply that so many people can't see this, they can't see that all animals and humans should be given the right to live and to survive on this earth the way the universe intended. All you have to do is open your eyes and see how we have been blinded to how wrong all of this really is. Show your love, compassion and humanity and #govegan ☺️🐮🌿

Earth day!

Earth day. a day in which people try to spread the message of being environmentally friendly to save our planet🌍 The problem is... billions of people have absolutely no idea that eating animals effects the environment more than in any other way. 
Did you know that It takes 2,500 gallons of water just to produce 1 pound of meat, but it only takes 25 gallons to produce a pound of wheat? Yet they say taking shorter showers is what will really help... Did you also know that the meat dairy and egg industry creates more green house gases than the entire worlds transportation  system combined!✈️🚙🚆💨 If the world carries on the way it is, and turns a blind eye to what is so obviously causing so much disaster.. I very much
 doubt in generations to come your children's Children will ever get to see this amazing world in which we live in.. The world that yet so beautiful, is going to eventually, because of people's ignorance and misunderstanding, will be gone. Do something about it today, spread the word, help people to understand, and make the decision to go vegan! not only is saving the animals, it's saving this planet, and it's saving the whole of man kind✨🌻🌲🌍

Forever A Free spirit ↟

Some spirits in this life are not made for the way society is today.. this life of constant competition at who can be the best at what they do, this life of ridiculous amounts of unwanted pressure within the job and school system.. or any organised system for that matter.. I am a free spirit, I always have been and always will be.. I want to learn from experience, not books in a class room, I want to travel the world, meet new people, see new and amazing things, experience new cultures.. As well as helping and educating others along the way at how to life their life to the fullest as well, opening a few hearts, minds and eyes ... Even tho I'm not sure what I want to do yet, I know I want to spread positive vibes where ever I go, I really just want to be free! Why should I change to fit into how society is, or how it wants me to be? What if it really is enough to be just a kind soul.. what if you don't have to be amazingly good at one thing like maths or an incredible artist and pursue that for the rest of your life.. I personally couldn't think of anything worse than to be stuck in the same job, live in the same town, Doing the same things every single day for the rest of my life.. We have such a beautiful world surrounding us, we are made to wonder, to explore, to learn and to grow! "The world is an open book: and those who do not travel, read only one page"
 At first I thought it was 'bad' To constantly crave change, but that is just who I am, I crave change so I can live, learn and experience new parts of life and to Develop myself as a person so I can help others too.. There is so much to discover and it's only just begun🌍🌿☁️☮